House Painters in Lake Havasu City Arizona
House Painting - Cabinet Painting - Interior Painting - Exterior Painting - Wood Staining
The Origin of Murrayhill Painting
Murrayhill Painting & Fine Finishes is focused on the quality of the outcome. Matt shares the values of honesty, hard work, and high standards. We are building a company based on these ideals and looking forward to our clients and our coworkers sharing in our success.
Matt began painting at the age of 17 when a family friend trained him on old Victorian home restorations in Cashmere, WA. For over 34 years Matt has become a leader in the NW paint industry and now Exclusively Services Lake Havasu City Arizona.
Matt is an expert at hiring, training, and managing crews working on all aspects of residential and commercial painting. From residential Interior & Exteriors, condo/townhouse exteriors to upscale interiors, exteriors, fine finishes, and specialty coatings, Matt has the skill and the experience to ensure a successful project every time.
Interior Painting
- John Upton
Exterior Painting
Interior Painting
Exterior Painting
- John Upton
Commercial Painting Projects
High-end Remodeling
and Painting Services
Paint and stain are critical parts of the remodeling process. Custom cabinets, painted in place is preferred by most upscale remodeling contractors and designers. You can trust us to give you the proper prep and durable finish that your clients will love.
If you are a General Contractor looking for a new or second painter, we are comfortable estimating from your PDF plans for your next project. We want to add you to our list of GCs and project managers that consider us their preferred painter.
For general contractors, please give Matt a call or Text at (928) 208-2295 or (206) 271-7310 & talk to him about the scope and timeline of your project.
Residential Painting - Lake Havasu City Arizona
Interior Painting
It is amazing how color selection affects the look and feel of a home. We will work with your interior
designers and our experience with them enables us to help homeowners with their color selections.
We take the look of your interior paint job very seriously. If you do too, then Murrayhill Painting is a good fit for you. Please read through the services we offer. When you’re ready, give us a call or fill out the form below and I’ll we will call you back to discuss your project and talk about your options.
Interior Painting Services:
- Living Rooms
- Family Rooms
- Bedrooms
- Kitchen Cabinets
- Walls and Ceilings
- Stairs and Handrails
- Doors and Windows
- Baseboard, Casing and Crown
- Molding
- Brick Fireplaces and Walls
- Shiplap
- Posts and Beams
Residential Painting - Lake Havasu City Arizona
Exterior Painting
The layers of paint on the exterior of your home are more than just something nice to look out. They provide an essential layer of protection for your home against the elements. Let’s face it, everyone wants to protect their investment. You need to make sure that the outside of your house is water-tight to protect the structure from rot, pests and to keep the inside from getting ruined.
With Murrayhill Painting the process is as smooth as the final coat of paint. Once the project is finished you will have a beautiful exterior that adds to the curb appeal and overall value of your home. Call today and talk to Matt to get the ball rolling and schedule your exterior paint job.
Exterior Painting Services:
- Siding
- Stucco
- Exterior Trim
- Decks
- Fences
- Doors and Windows
- Brick Houses
- Concrete Walls
- Clear coats
Customer Reviews
- Marcia
- Teisha Duffey
- Cliff Whitmore
- John Upton
- John Rassier
- Lloyd
- Courtney
- Scott
- Michael Knapp
- Christine Joy
- Mauri Tamborra